Thursday 29 April 2010

Frankie Francis, from Frankie and the Heartstrings

He's cute, and has a quiff. It's after two in the morning, I've run out of excuses as to why I like to sit up at stupid o'clock posting pictures of guys I'm never going to meet, let alone marry, so I'll just leave you to it!

Idea and video stolen from Alex's tres cool music blog


  1. who says so?
    i'm sure you'll meet at least one of those guys someday. somehow one of them will pop over your blog and will laugh about it and will meet you afterwards.
    live in your dreams, darling. <3

  2. Hahah Gareth from Los Campesinos! and Kingsley from The Chapman Family both saw their posts!
    They both reblogged it on Twitter and I got some views, it was lovely!

  3. i met him tonight he hugged me and we had a pic, hes amazing :D x x
