Tuesday 15 December 2009

Michael Fassbender, the man of many accents.

Ok, lets do a check list. Got an accent? Check. Got nice eyes? Check. Got a nice body that's not over the top? Checkkk. Fassbender you little babe! He's also king of the accents when he acts, here are his top one's...notice no shirts ;D

First, he was a Spartan in 300, not a massive part, but what's a man gonna do?

..as Bobby Sands in Hunger, if you're thinking he looks a bit skinny, well that's cos he did actually starve himself throughout the film, dedication! And in this film he uses his normal Irish accent, much better Mikey :)

As Connor in Fish Tank. So maybe it's not the best role to play, the Mum's boyfriend who sleeps with her barely legal daughter, type. But still, his Irish accent is niceee, and he's got back dimples.

And finally, as Lt. Archie Hicox in Inglourious Basterds, with that cheesey, over the top British accent all Americans think we speak like. Unfortunately, he's not amazing looking in it, with that comb-over and all...but he can speak fluent German, he was born there!

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